Active Lifestyle/Wellness Classes

Bradley & Lauren Montoya

Bradley & Lauren Montoya

Wellness for Dancers

What is Plantar Fasciitis and how to properly tape your feet to relieve pain, so you can dance. Don’t live in pain and don’t spend hundreds of dollars on products that don’t work. In this class you will learn about Plantar Fasciitis, what are the causes of this painful inflection and how to find real relief. With some athletic tape, you can find relief and get back to a good quality of life. Bradley and Lauren will demonstrate and teach you how to properly tape your dancing feet so you can isolate the tendons, instantly relieve foot pain, and enjoy your dancing.

Chantelle Pianetta

Chantelle Pianetta

S3: Stamina, Strength, Stretch

Be prepared for a little bit of everything in this session! As a NASM certified personal trainer, Chantelle will guide you through a total body wellness workout. The class will focus on 3 pillars: cardiovascular endurance, fundamental strength training exercises, and mobility practices. No prior experience needed, modifications will be offered, body weight only.

D’Leene DeBoer

D’Leene DeBoer

Dancer Foot Care:

D’Leene is an RN and has been in healthcare for more than 20yrs, holding many certifications and additional training including podiatry. She understands the body in depth and can help everyone. This class focuses on promoting foot health and preventing injuries for dancers of all styles. We'll explore the essential components for maintaining healthy feet, foundational aspects of foot anatomy, and biomechanics. We'll cover some foot care routines, including self-massage techniques, and the use of specialized equipment like foot rollers and massage balls to keep your feet strong, flexible, and resilient. Gain practical strategies to prevent common dance-related foot injuries and keep your feet healthy for longevity in your dance journey. This class is suitable for dancers of all ages and experience levels, as all exercises can be modified to accommodate individual limitations or injuries. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned dancer, this class will equip you with the knowledge and skills to keep your feet in top shape, allowing you to move smoothly and confidently on the dance floor as well as have less pain/soreness at the end of the night or weekend. Invest in your dance journey by prioritizing foot health and longevity with this comprehensive foot care class.

Heather Bridgham Ives

Heather Bridgham Ives

“Steady Swing” Integrating the Science of Balance for West Coast Swing

Take your dance to the next level by exploring the complex science of balance with Heather Bridgham Ives DPT, a Certified Vestibular Physical Therapist. Learn how the nervous system integrates information from the inner ear (equilibrium), proprioception (sensory information from muscles and joints), and the visual system for spatial orientation and stability during complex activities with quick changes in direction, like dance. If your balance exercises are only focused on standing on one leg, you are missing out. Dancers of all levels will learn exercises and practical applications to improve balance and enhance motor learning so they are confident on the dance floor.

Tammy Goen

Tammy Goen

From Stressed to Rest!

Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, heading for burnout? If we don’t slow down and be in the moment sometimes, our systems remain in Fight or Flight, 24-7! Come practice some simple techniques you can use to move into Rest and Digest mode and achieve a sense of peace, regardless of what’s happening around you and in your life! Tammy is a mindfulness, meditation and lifestyle coach, energy worker, massage therapist and EFT/Tapping practitioner. She’s a dancer, outdoor enthusiast, avid reader and learner. Her own self-care practice keeps her centered and calm, even as a Highly Sensing Person.

A West Coast Swing Competition Event in Central Oregon