At Dance N Play, we’re excited to introduce our team of Professional WCS instructors. Our experienced staff is passionate about delivering engaging and enjoyable classes to help you learn new dance skills while having a great time. Our Pro instructors will also be judging competitions, plus you may find them also having fun in our outdoor activities. Join us for an unforgettable experience of Dance N Play!
Click on any staff member’s image for social icon links to find out more about them and their expertise. All of our Pro’s are available for privates so contact them to book your lesson. See you soon! Let’s dance!
MORE PRO’S TBA….Coming soon!
Pro Teaching/Judging Staff

Gary McIntyre & Susan Kirklin

Glenn Ball

Nick King

Stephen White

Za Thomaier

Alex & Ann Wood
Additional PNW Judging Staff

D’Leene DeBoer

James DeBoer

Mahala Fedor

Dave Kahn

Luke Adams

Jana Marie

Jim Minty
Chief Judge

Wren Newman
Raw Score Judge

Mark Slater
Scoring Tabulator

Glenn Ball

Nick King
DJ Staff

Rebecca Savoca
Head DJ

JAmes Atwill

James Kleinman

Sam Lingane